So! It's been a bit since my Dire, Dire Remake - working on my next one (maybe not as diligently as I should be). But I will let you guys know that I have still been working on other projects in the spare time I can get between work and my unfortunate new obsession with Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
Predominately, I've been working on:
- Some songs for a game demo some friends of mine are making
- A Mario Galaxy Remix
- Some more originals that will most likely be posted to my Sound Cloud. which OH!
I may not have mentioned that I also have a SoundCloud. Right now it's kinda stale :S Lol TERRIBLE word for it, but it's true. More often than not I'll be posting originals to that so, if you're ever in a mood for those, hop over to
BUT I DIGRESS!!! Remakes will be coming! Mario Galaxy will be coming! Keep checking in!
Checking it!