Definitely wonderful news to hear you have a computer. Hopefully we'll hear a bit more from you now. You haven't uploaded anything since what...Valentine's day I think? I mean I know you didn't have a computer, just saying, you've been missed. That Forest Temple mix was godly though. I don't have any specific requests, but anything from Zelda would make me happy. I guess if I were to give a preference, Twilight Princess is my favorite, so maybe something from there? Whatever you end up doing, I'm looking forward to it.
1:first comment woot! lol 2: yaay zelda songs....i can't think of anything to request but i might think of something later. 3: what is your minecraft name and what server do you play on?
my minecraft name is Amxwolf. But I don't often play on servers that are public because I never get to build anything. I usually play singleplayer or in a private server with my close friends (cause I know they wont grief me)